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Commonly Confused Words 1

I just can't deal with it!

Commonly Confused Words 1

Even though many native English speakers may make this mistake, as a learner you will be expected to use the proper words or lost points on assessments (tests & papers) and international examinations.  Look at this chart:

Count Non-Count
Affirmative a few a little
Negative few little
Comparative fewer less

Count nouns (nearly all end in an s) take plural verbs but also plural quantifiers like few.  Check out the following sentences, and again incorrect ones are indicated by an asterisk (*):

I have little classes this semester1.* => I have few classes this semester.
She only has a little opportunities to travel.* => She only has a few oppotunities to travel.
There are less people in there than before.* => There are fewer people in there than before.

Non-Count nouns (exceptions to the general rule) take singular verbs and thus singular quantifiers like little:

If you have few times, then you should get to work2.* =>
If you have little time, then you should get to work.
There are a few sugars in the box.* =>
There's a little sugar in the box.
I earn fewer money than before.* => I earn less money than before.

Finding away around these words has become an art form in the American media, since most television journalists are paid to talk and not to think and to focus attention on themselves and the network (my opinion only).  However, you may get around this with affirmative and negative versions of the expression a lot, a term that works with both count and non-count nouns:

You should create a few opportunities for dialog. => 
There must be a lot of opportunities to discuss things further.
I'm in a hurry!  I have little time. = > I don't have a lot of time.
That should cost less money now. => That shouldn't cost as much money now.

And be careful!
Less is used as a comparative between two things and is often accompanied by the word than:

I find myself having less and less patience with children than before.

Least is always used with a definite article -- the -- and is for a superlative expression:

She wasted the least amount of time in finding the answer.

1This sentence actually means that the speaker has small classes this semester!
2Be careful!  Time ≠ times


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